Players Convention Chiba 2025 FAQ

The Players Convention is a fantastic celebration!
However, due to its size,
it can be overwhelming to know what to do.
We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help guide you. We hope you find it useful.


  • 会場について
  • Venue
  • 会場に入場料はかかりますか?
  • Is there an admission fee for the venue?
Admission is free.
  • 会場は何時から開場していますか?
  • What time does the venue open?
Open 8:30-21:00 on Saturdays and 8:00-19:00 on Sundays.
  • 見学したいのですが、可能ですか?
  • Is it possible to visit?
《General people》 Yes.
《Industry people》 If you are planning to visit in advance or wish to be interviewed, please contact us by email ( ). On the day of the event, please contact customer service near the entrance of the venue.
  • 会場内で飲食はできますか?
  • Can I eat and drink in the venue?
However, the space may be used for events, in which case please move as soon as possible.
In addition, please refrain from exchanging money or holding events to recruit participants, such as offline meetings.
  • 会場内でトレードはできますか?
はい、可能です。詳細については、 「 トレードについて 」 をご確認ください。
  • Can I trade inside the venue?
Yes. For more information, please check " Trade".
  • 会場内でフリープレイはできますか?
  • Can I play for free at the venue?
However, the space may be used for events, in which case please move as soon as possible.
In addition, please refrain from exchanging money or holding events to recruit participants, such as offline meetings.
  • 販売スペースでカードを売却できますか?
  • Can I sell cards in the Vendor space?
Cards can be purchased only at vendor booths that have already applied for the Secondhand Articles Dealer Law.
For more information, please check "Selling".
  • クロークサービスとはなんですか?
  • What is a cloakroom service?
This is a service that stores your luggage.
We will keep one luggage for 500 yen per day.
*You cannot temporarily withdraw your checked luggage.
* If you leave your luggage until the next day, you will be charged an additional charge for the carryover.
  • 喫煙所はありますか?
全館禁煙のため、指定喫煙所をご利用ください。 詳細はこちらからご確認ください。
  • Is there a smoking area?
Smoking is prohibited in the entire building. Please use the designated smoking areas.
  • 会場内でサークルの宣伝や配布行為を行うことはできますか?
  • Can I advertise my group or give away items at the venue?
No, any unauthorized distribution or resemblance to advertising is prohibited.
  • 事前受付について
  • Registration
  • 事前受付にはなにか必要なものはありますか?

  • What do I need for pre-registration?
Pre-registration is mandatory to create a BIGMAGIC tournament account, and you must have an email address to create the account.
An email address is required to register.
For additional information, please refer the "BIGMAGIC Tournament Accounts".

If you intend to join the Open Tournament, please note that a separate registration with Melee is necessary.
  • 友達の代理受付は可能ですか?
私たちは、友達へプレゼントをして一緒に出場することが、サプライズになると理解しておりますが、 さまざまなトラブルが予想され、いまのところ代理受付ができません。
  • Can I accept a friend as a proxy?
We understand that it would be a surprise to give a gift to a friend and compete together, but due to anticipated problems, we are unable to accept substitutions at this time.
  • 事前受付をしようとすると、決済画面で失敗します。どうすればいいですか?
そのまま、受付を進めて頂くと決済エラー が発生する場合があります。
  • When I try to pre-register, the payment screen fails.
We apologize, but if you see that message, we are currently sold out.
If there are many cancellations, we may reopen applications in batches. We will make announcements on X (formerly Twitter), so please follow our @MtgBigmagic account.
  • 受付しようとしたイベントが「現在、定員に達しているため受付停止中です」と表示されて購入できません。
  • The event I tried to register for is displayed as Registration is currently suspended
    because we have reached capacity and I cannot purchase the event.
We apologize, but if you see that message, we are currently sold out.
In case of cancellation, it will be released at any time.
  • キャンセルしたい。どうすればいいですか?
BIGMAGICトーナメントアカウント」の 「マイイベント」 からキャンセルを申請できます。
  • I have an urgent matter and want to cancel.
You can request a cancellation from My Events in your BIGMAGIC Tournament Account
  • キャンセルポリシーを教えてください。
  • Would like to know the cancellation policy.
The due date varies depending on the event. Please check your e-mail at the time of registration for details.
  • 払い方法をクレジットカードに変更したいのですが可能ですか?
  • May I change my payment method to credit card?
Yes, it is possible. You can make changes here.
  • 1週間以内の振込を忘れてしまった。どうすればいいですか?
キャンセルのメールが届くまでは、振り込んでいただいて構いません。 キャンセルのメールが届いたあとは、改めて受付をしてから、振り込みをお願いします。
  • I forgot to transfer the money within a week. What should I do?
You may transfer the money until you receive an email of cancellation.
After you receive the cancellation email, please make a payment after receiving another acceptance.
  • 参加賞を代理で受け取りたいのですが可能ですか?
  • Can I pick up the prize on behalf of someone else?
Cannot do.
  • 急な用事で事前受付をしたトーナメントに参加出来ない場合、参加賞はどうなりますか?
開始時刻に間に合わなくても、会期中に会場に来ていただければ参加賞をお渡しすることができます。会場内のピックアップブースまでお越しください。 ただし、会期中に会場に来られない場合は、こちらから発送することはできません。
  • What happens to my prize if I suddenly cannot participate in an open tournament?
Even if you miss the start time, you can still receive your participation prize if you come to the venue during the event.
Please come to the pick-up booth at the venue.
*If you cannot come to the venue during the event, we will not be able to send them out.
  • 賞金はどうやって受け取るのですが?
  • How do I receive my prize money?
Prize money will be paid by Wizards. You will receive an email with the details to the email address registered in your Wizards account and should await its arrival.
  • BIGMAGICトーナメントアカウントについて
  • BIGMAGIC Tournament account
  • BIG MAGICトーナメントアカウントとはなんですか?
BIG MAGICが主催するイベントの受付のためのアカウントです。
  • What is a BIGMAGIC Tournament Account?
This account is for registration for events organized by BIGMAGIC.
  • BIGMAGICトーナメントアカウントを作成するには何が必要ですか?
  • What do I need to create my BIGMAGIC tournament account?
An email address is required.
In addition, depending on the event, you may need to register your "MTG Companion's Email Address", "Melee Display Name", and "Melee Account Email Address".
  • 登録や受付のメールが届きません。どうすればいいですか?
ただいま、以下のメールアドレスには自動返信メールが届かないことが確認されています。 ご迷惑をおかけしますが、他のメールアドレスにて登録をお試しください。,,,, , それ以外のメールアドレスでメールが帰ってこない場合は、 カスタマーサービス(にご連絡ください。
  • I have not received any registration or acceptance email. What should I do?
We have confirmed that the following e-mail addresses are not receiving auto-reply e-mails at this time. Please try registering with another email address.,,,, , If you do not receive an e-mail from any other e-mail address, please contact Customer Service at
  • BIGMAGICトーナメントアカウントのログインするためのメールアドレスを変更したい。
ログイン用のメールアドレスをお客様ご自身で変更することは出来ません。 までお問合せ下さい。
  • I want to change my email address to log in to my BIGMAGIC tournament account.
You cannot change your login email address yourself.
Please contact us at
  • BIGMAGICトーナメントアカウントに登録していた情報が変更したい。どうすればいいですか?
プロフィール画面で操作をお願いします。 操作出来ない項目に関しては にお問合せ下さい。
  • I want to change the information registered on my BIGMAGIC tournament account. How can I do this?
Please operate on the profile screen.
If you are unable to operate any item, please contact us here.
  • 買取について
  • Selling
  • イベントで獲得した賞品を、買取してもらうことはできますか?
  • Can I sell products acquired at the event on site?
Cards and other items received as prizes at events cannot be sold in the venue.
  • カードを買取してもらうときに必要なものはありますか?
  • Is there anything I need to sell my cards?
You will need to provide identification that verifies your current address.
  • 18歳未満なのですが、カードを買取してもらうことはできますか?
  • Can I sell my card if I am under 18?
If you are under 18 years of age, you must have a parent or guardian's written consent. Or, they must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
  • トレードについて
  • Trade
  • トレードに関する規約はありますか?
・悪質なトレード行為を見つけた場合、以降すべてのBIG MAGICの主催するイベントへの入場をお断りします。
  • Are there any terms of trade?
The terms of trade are as follows:

・Trading is allowed only for those who have obtained permission. Please present your permit in a position visible to staff while you are trading.
・Trading between permission holders is allowed.
・Trading for cards to use in your deck or to collect your favorite cards is permitted.
・Trading with the primary goal of making a profit is considered commercial trading and is prohibited.
・Trading referring to the price by the third person or using numerical values to assess card value is considered commercial trading and is prohibited.
・Using a calculator or smartphone during trading is considered commercial trading and is prohibited.
・If companies or stores make announcements and engage in trading within the facility, it will be considered commercial trading and is prohibited. The Vendor booth of this event are exception of these terms and only allowed the place for commercial trading.
・Buying and selling cards outside the vendor booths is prohibited.
・Trading is only allowed at tables in the play area. No trading is permitted in aisles, dining areas, or public spaces around the venue.
・Even if you are in the middle of trading, you must promptly move your seat if the play area is going to be used for an event.
・If malicious trading behavior was found, entry to all events hosted by BIG MAGIC will be denied in the future.
・Repeated violations of these prohibitions may result in the revocation of your trading permission.
・Lending or transferring your trade permit to another person will result in your removal from the event venue.
・Trade permits must be returned after the event.
・Additionally, please abide by the decisions made by our staff.
  • トレード許可の申請はどこで出来ますか?
  • Where can I apply for a trade?
You can apply at the customer service near the venue entrance.
  • 落とし物について
  • Lost & Found
  • 落とし物をしてしまった。どうすればいいですか?
イベント終了後は、 までご連絡ください。
  • I have lost something. What should I do?
During the event, please contact Customer Service.
After the event, please contact
  • 落とし物を見つけた。どうすればいいですか?
  • I found lost belongings. What should I do?
Please bring it to Customer Service. We may ask you where you picked it up.
  • イベントが終わった後に落とし物についてどこに問い合わせればいいですか?
カスタマーサービスに でお問合せください 。 保管期限はイベント終了から1か月となっており、1か月を経過した落とし物については廃棄処分とさせていただきます。
  • Who can I contact regarding lost items after the event is over?
Please contact customer service by email. The storage period is one month after the end of the event, and any lost property left after one month will be disposed of.
  • 当日受付イベントについて
  • Side event
  • バリューチケットバンドルを購入しないとイベントに参加出来ないのですか?
  • Do I have to purchase an Value ticket bandle to participate in side events?
You do not need to purchase an Value ticket bandle to participate in side events.
You can participate in side events by paying the registration fee.
  • 当日受付イベントにどうやったら出場できますか?
  • How can I participate in side events?
Registration is available at the Registration desk. However, On-Demand Events, Turbo Town, and Teaching Events will be accepted at a separate location.
  • 当日受付イベントの賞品はいつ、どこでもらえますか?
  • When and where can I get my prizes acquired in side events?
Depending on the type of prize, the location and timing of redemption will vary.
For details, please check "prizes".
  • オンデマンドイベントはどうやって出場出来ますか?
  • How can I participate in on-demand events?
Please come to the on-demand event area.
  • 複数のイベントを掛け持ちすることはできますか?
  • Can I work more than one event?
You will not be allowed to do so. If you are found to have done so, you will be asked to drop (abstain) from one of the events.
  • ブースタードラフト・シールドで使用したカードは持って帰ることが出来ますか?
  • Can I bring back the cards I used in Booster Draft/Shield?
In The booster draft, the cards you picked are a cut-and-dry rule, and you can take home the cards you pick.
  • バリューチケットバンドルを家族や友達など他の人と一緒に使っていいですか?
  • Can I share an Value ticket bandle bundle with a family or friend?
The Value ticket bandle set can only be used by the person who purchased it.
  • コスプレについて
  • Cosplay
  • コスプレして会場に入ることは可能ですか?
  • Can I enter the venue in cosplay?
・Please understand the following before wearing cosplay.
・There are no dedicated changing rooms. Please do not occupy the restrooms in the facility for long periods of time to change.
・Please do not wear cosplay that is extremely revealing or offensive to public order and morals.
・We may ask you to leave your cosplay at the discretion of our staff.
・We will ask you to follow the judgment of our staff. ・If you have any questions or concerns in advance, please contact us by e-mail (
  • 賞品について
  • Prize
  • 賞品で貰えるパックなどの言語指定は出来ますか?
  • Can I specify the language of the packs and other items I receive as prizes?
It is not possible to specify by the customer.
  • ジャパンスタンダードカップなどの参加賞はどこでもらえますか?
  • How do I get Japan Standard Cup, Limited Open Participation Awards?
Items will be handed out at the pickup booth within the venue.
Please come during the event.
Items will not be handed over or sent after the event has ended.
  • 当日受付イベントの賞品はどうやって手に入れるのでしょうか?
  • How do I get prizes acquired in side event?
Participation prizes will be given at registration. Packs can be picked up at the pick-up booth inside the venue.
Special prizes will be distributed during the event.
  • オンデマンドイベントの賞品はどうやって手に入れるのでしょうか?
  • How do I get my prizes acquired in On-Demand event ?
Participation prizes will be given at registration.
Packs can be distributed during the event or received at the on-demand reception at the venue.
  • 参加賞や賞品を受取忘れました。イベント終了後に受取出来ますか?
  • I forgot to collect my participation award or prize. Can I collect it after the event has ended?
We are unable to provide your prizes after the event. Please make sure to collect them at the venue during the event.

About portrait rights regarding Players Convention Chiba 2025

Photographs of visitors may be taken inside the venue, and the photographs may be published on the website or broadcast on YouTube or Twitch.

It may also be used in media other than our company.

Those who attend will be deemed to have received permission to use portrait rights. Thank you for your understanding.